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Note from the Editor

18 Apr 2017 1:06 PM | Christine R Henry

Welcome to the Spring issue of VAN.  We have a timely presidential message  on the importance of the humanities as well as a feature article on the VAF Annual Meeting in Salt Lake City in June.  They have some wonderful adventures planned--hope to see you all there!  Also in this issue is an installment of an occasional series called Field Notes.  This article comes from the College of Charleston's new program to focus on "progressive traditional" architecture. 

There are also some great opportunities this issue, such as a call for new VAF chapters and announcements of conferences in places such as Annapolis and Victoria, BC that will be of interest to our members.  And don't forget to take a look and pass along the link to our special issue last month on field schools.

The member news section as always is has some wonderful updates from members about the great work they have been doing in the field and classroom.  Please send me any updates you want to share for upcoming issues. And of course we have our fantastic bibliography.  Happy reading!

Christine Henry, Newsletter Editor

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